Unlimited Month To Month - $280

CrossFit combines traditional conditioning (running, rowing, biking), Powerlifting (back squats, deadlifts, bench press), Olympic Lifting (snatch and clean & jerk) and body weight movements (pull-ups, burpees, box jumps) all into one program. CrossFit is a coach-lead, group-based, strength and conditioning program focused on improving functional movement. Every hour-long class starts with a warm-up to prepare the class for movement. After the warm-up, the class will work together on a strength or skill movement. The last part of the class is a timed high-intensity conditioning workout. CrossFit is infinitely scalable and structured to allow members to meet their fitness goals regardless of where they are in their fitness journey .

All prices are including Sales tax where applicable

Start date
Pro-rata 09/07/2024 till 09/30/2024
$ 224.00
Amount to be paid now
From 10/01/2024 monthly
$ 280.00

1 Months Duration

Auto renewal takes place 1 Months before contracts runs out


CrossFit Class
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